Anyone who has ever received a massage from a trained expert knows that both the body and the mind feel better afterward. Prenatal massage can feel even more amazing when additional weight and changes in posture cause new aches and pains.
How do prenatal massages work?
For the structural changes you go through during pregnancy, prenatal massage is tailored. In a typical massage, you might spend half the session face-up (which is impossible with a baby belly) and half the session face-down on your stomach.
However, a skilled massage therapist may adjust with specific cushioning systems or holes that allow you to sleep face down comfortably while providing room for your expanding belly and breasts as your shape and posture alter. Alternately, you might use pillows and cushions to support you as you lay on your side.
Lower swelling:
Pregnancy-related edema of the hands, feet, and legs is frequently brought on by poor blood flow and increased pressure on the main blood vessels. In order to make you feel more comfortable, massage can help to activate the soft tissue, move the extra fluid, and lessen the swelling.
Back pain relief:
By targeting the tight muscles in the affected area, pregnancy massage reduces lower back discomfort, particularly sciatic nerve pain. Prenatal massage promotes blood flow and aids in easing the tension that pregnancy may naturally cause.
Enhance sleep:
As your pregnancy goes on, it gets harder and harder to get good sleep. The nervous system is calmed during a prenatal massage, and feel-good hormones are released. You’ll feel more at ease as a result, which will help you sleep better. All of us require that!
It may get more challenging to carry out the majority of your everyday tasks as the conclusion of the pregnancy draws near. Everything can start to seem a little labored as the “pregnancy waddle” comes in.
During this time, prenatal massages can help you unwind and relax, making everything seem a little bit simpler and less stressful.